Well I'm not aware of all the features of facebook,so here are some intresting facts about it I found it on net...
COURTESY : Wikipedia..!!!!!
Over time, Facebook has added several new features to its website. On September 6, 2006, a News Feed announced, which appears on every user's homepage and highlights information including profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays of the user's friends.Initially, the News Feed caused dissatisfaction among Facebook users; some complained it was too cluttered and full of undesired information, while others were concerned it made it too easy for other people to track down individual activities (such as changes in relationship status, events, and conversations with other users).response to this dissatisfaction, Zuckerberg issued an apology for the site's failure to include appropriate customizable privacy features. Since then, users have been able to control what types of information are shared automatically with friends. Users are now able to prevent friends from seeing updates about certain types of activities, including profile changes, Wall posts, and newly added friends.
One of the most popular applications on Facebook is the Photos application, where users can upload albums and photos.Facebook allows users to upload an unlimited number of photos, compared with other image hosting servicessuch as Photobucket and Flickr, which apply limits to the number of photos that a user is allowed to upload. In the past, all users were limited to 60 photos per album. However, some users report that they are able to create albums with a new limit of 200 photos. It remains unclear why some members have a 200-photo limit while others do not.Privacy settings can be set for individual albums, limiting the groups of users that can see an album. For example, the privacy of an album can be set so that only the user's friends can see the album, while the privacy of another album can be set so that all Facebook users can see it. Another feature of the Photos applications is the ability to "tag", or label users in a photo. For instance, if a photo contains a user's friend, then the user can tag the friend in the photo. This sends a notification to the friend that they have been tagged, and provides them a link to see the photo.
Facebook launched Gifts on February 8, 2007, which allows users to send virtual gifts to their friends that appear on the recipient's profile. Gifts cost $1.00 each to purchase, and a personalized message can be attached to each gift.On May 14, 2007, Facebook launched Marketplace, which lets users post free classified ads.Marketplace has been compared to Craigslist by CNET, which points out that the major difference between the two is that listings posted by a user on Marketplace are only seen by users that are in the same network as that user, whereas listings posted on Craigslist can be seen by anyone.
iPhone App
The Facebook iPhone website was launched August 2007 and as of July 2008 over 1.5 million people use it regularly.A free application for the iPhone and iPOd Touch named "Facebook for iPhone" was launched July 2008.Version 2.0 of this app was released in September 2008 and featured improved services such as being able to respond to friend requests and notifications. Version 3.0 was released in August 2009 and added features such as events, and uploading video with a iPhone 3GS.
Blog -Their is a blog feature that you can use. You can even add photos to your blog. If you use the tag feature in the blog to add someone else's Facebook name, your friend will get this blog entry added to their blog too. If you have a blog on another site you can add that blog to your blog by adding the URL of the blog. Then your blog will show up where your blog goes instead of the Facebook blog.
Video Downloads - There is no video database on Facebook to download photos from.
Video Uploads - You can not upload videos to Facebook.
Are There Graphics and Templates Available? - You can not change the way your profile page looks. You can only add information, join groups, add friends and add photos.
Music - You can not add music to your Facebook profile.
Email Accounts - Send and receive messages with other Facebook members. You can also "Poke" them to let them know you are there or thinking about them.
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